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Free Website Analysis
Does your website perform greatly against the competition or is it poorly ranked? Do you have current website score or website report card?

Is your competition currently outranking you with internet marketing techniques that you are unaware of?

It is important to know and have full understanding of your current online positions and rankings compared to your competition. We offer a Free Website Analysis for businesses that want professional opinions and facts about their website and what can be done to improve their overall performance, increase traffic, increase sales, and reduce costs by eliminating non-performing web marketing campaigns.

5 Reasons to do a Website Analysis
  1. Successful Internet techniques – you will find out what is working for your site and what techniques that you may not be using or don’t even know about.
  2. Overall Performance – find out how your website is performing. Know if your site loads fast enough for a positive user experience.
  3. Ranking and Position – you will learn how to compare to your competitors and what can be done to improve Internet ranking and position.
  4. Traffic optimizing – learn if your website is getting the optimal amount of traffic. Increased traffic is followed by increased income. If you aren’t satisfied with the sales that your website is generating or ready to take it to the next level, a website analysis will show what can be done to improve sales.
  5. Cost Reduction – not all campaigns are created equal, find out what campaigns are working, which ones aren’t efficient, and alternative campaigns that are available.
When getting a website analysis it is important to get from an experienced and professional company. Young Consulting Group has experience, methods, and means to provide a professional and complete analysis. We will also provide effective recommendations that will take your internet marketing to the next level.
Free Website Analysis
Name :
Email :
Phone :
Website URL :
Website Goal – Please rank the following goal, where 1 is most important
Increase Traffic Increase Leads/Sales
Increase Revenues Increase Time to Site
Increase Page Views Increase Brand Value
Top 10 Website Keywords (in no particular order):
1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10.
Top 5 Competitors
Anything else you would like us to know?
The FREE WEBSITE ANALYSIS report will include the following information:
  • SEO settings
  • Page ranking
  • Web traffic analysis
  • Domain health
  • Google, Yahoo, MSN back links
  • Validation for errors and warnings
  • Google Analytics set-up
  • Sitemap review
  • Competition analysis
  • Recommendations for increasing traffic